What has worked really well for your morning routine?
Sam Shargo
Home Insights INSPIRATION What has worked really well for your morning routine?

Struggling to put yourself first? Sometimes being a people person can really suck!
If you are a people person like me, you probably try hard to be good to other people in your life.

We will often go out of our way to satisfy someone else's needs and demands on our #time.

But when it comes to ourselves, we put ourselves at the bottom of the priority list (if we even make it there).

The problem is that we often overcommit to other people, neglect ourselves and eventually we burn ourselves out.
It's not sustainable and more importantly - neglecting yourself often leads to hurting the people you care about the most.

To really bring your best self into the world and serve others in a meaningful way. You have to #prioritize YOURSELF first.
This may look a little different for everyone, but the most common way I've seen this takes form in a morning routine or ritual.

A strong morning routine creates
- Clarity
So you know what it is that you really want and intend to happen for yourself and others
- Focus
So you can avoid distractions and keep the most important thing, the most important thing
- Regulation
As your body can automagically adapt to its environment, you train your mind to regulate stress in a healthy way, stay grounded and make better decisions

This has been my experience with a morning routine and many of my friends and colleagues have confirmed the same.

Some people have a 30-minute #ritual they do for themselves like taking a walk in the morning, listening to a morning playlist, and journaling and others (like myself) spend hours doing a variety of different things to improve their daily performance.
There is no perfect process, we're all different, have different preferences, and may see different results.

What has worked really well for your morning #routine?

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