We can’t control everything
Sam Shargo
Home Insights INSPIRATION We can’t control everything

I've never felt so high before.
Monday was a day of total chaos and comedic screw ups.

It felt like living in a comedy movie where everything that could go wrong did go wrong.

It all started with my United flight from EWR to DFW getting delayed and after five long hours, the flight was finally canceled.

Frustration and anger were palpable in the airport as passengers yelled at the agents like an angry mob. Instead, I thanked the agent for remaining calm and for providing snacks and water.

To make matters worse, Uber had surge prices due to so many flight cancellations, and I had to pay over $75 for a 10-minute trip to my house.

After a 20-minute wait, the Uber driver called me to say that he had a flat tire.

Didn't end there, the call with a United agent got disconnected 3 times before I finally got my flight rescheduled, this time out of LGA, which was a 1.5-hour drive.

Needless to say, I got no sleep that night (or the previous night).

Upon arriving at the hotel, I find out that the hotel was overbooked, and my reservation had been released due to late arrival.

I took a deep breath, smiled, and waited patiently as they worked on getting it resolved.

Four hours later, my reservation was reinstated and finally got a room.

And just when I thought the day couldn't get any worse, I got a call from my wife saying that a pipe had burst in my basement back home.

Through all these unexpected events, I found myself laughing with amusement at each of them as they occurred. I kept reminding myself that

I couldn't control these things, but I could control how I reacted.

And as the day progressed with each surprise, I felt myself more and more in control by not trying to control.

I managed to stay positive and not let anything derail me.

It felt energizing like a natural high that came from being amused at the situation.

Sometimes, all you can do is laugh and stay centered.

Control what you can and let go of the rest.

When things don't go according to plan, it's easy to get caught up in frustration, anger and blame others.

But the truth is, we can't control everything.

Learning to let go of the things outside of our control is key to staying positive and centered in the face of chaos.

Have you ever had a day like this? How did you handle it? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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