The difference between LeaderSHIP and LeaderSHEEP
Sam Shargo
Home Insights MENTORSHIP The difference between LeaderSHIP and LeaderSHEEP

The difference between LeaderSHIP and LeaderSHEEP is a key distinction that every leader needs to understand.
To quote Uncle Ben - "With great power, comes great responsibility."

As a leader, your primary job is to ensure that you are developing your team and making them successful.

Let me be honest -
I used to revel in the idea of being "The Boss".
Telling people what to do, how to do it, and shutting them down when I didn't like what I heard.

Then it happened…

My team only followed orders.
Nothing more, nothing less.
They couldn't make decisions on their own.
They doubted themselves and blamed each other.
They were SH*T scared!
And everything was all on me.

This was a low point for me as a leader, manager, and professional.

What I eventually realized is this -
LeaderSHIP teams act proactively.
✅Their strategic efforts are planned
✅Behaviors are thoughtful, responsible, and rational.
✅They Say "No" often - out of respect for themselves and others.

LeaderSHEEP teams act reactively
❌They are always in a state of crisis and acting from fear
❌Quick to assign blame and are impulsive
❌They Say "Yes" often - out of a desire to please others in the short-term

Short-term thinking leads to short-term results (and long-term stress)
If your team is constantly trying to please you with their words but you're not getting what you want from your team, it's time you reconsider the environment you are creating for them.

Embrace true leadership, and watch your team thrive.

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