Have you ever found yourself waiting until things get really bad before making a change in your life?
We don't change our lifestyle until we become really sick.
We don't fix the business until clients start leaving.
We don't address our mental health until we've hit rock bottom.
And we don't reach out for help until we are completely hopeless.
Unfortunately, it often takes a crisis to move people to take action.
It's almost as if we like we like being desperate.
But that's not true. ?
We just LOVE being comfortable, even with shitty situations.
#Change is scary, change is hard, and change sucks.
But being comfortable sucks even more.
Why ❓
Because comfort breeds mediocrity, and leads to despair.
The sooner you learn to become comfortable with being uncomfortable, everything changes.
You begin to see challenges in a new light, you begin to embrace change, and you begin to realize #progress.
So don't be desperate.
Embrace the suck.
And #grow through and beyond anything you could have imagined for yourself.
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