HomeInsightsORGANIZATIONDon’t lead meetings if you don’t have this
Yes These 3 things will make a BIG difference.
Facilitating a meeting is being an Energy Generator, Modulator and Transformer all at the same time.
Visiting ConnectWise for The IT Nation Evolve Peer Groups Facilitator Training.
Key takeaway from the training included managing energy in the room and how it impacts the participants, the topic and you as a Facilitator.
Whether you are running a meeting, a workshop or session - the extent to which you can generate, modulate, and transform energy in the room, you will significantly impact the experience and the value people receive.
Today marks the 108th anniversary of the 1915 #ArmenianGenocide during which over 1.5 million Armenians were systematically exterminated. It was a blueprint for the Holocaust....
The difference between LeaderSHIP and LeaderSHEEP is a key distinction that every leader needs to understand. To quote Uncle Ben - "With great power, comes...